
What is this site?

My website, where I hope to tell you something useful about software development, preferably something you didn’t know. It might also be true.

Who am I?

I am Thomas Langston, a professional software developer. I currently reside in New York City.

In my programming career I’ve done feature work on B2B SaaS applications and a number of different developer tools for internal use. In the past, I was programming in Java, Python with Flask, Mongodb, and also a React & Redux / Ruby on Rails / MySQL tech stack, but the majority of my experience has been in C# with the ASP .NET MVC 4 web framework using JS libraries such as jQuery, Knockout, Angular, and Underscore while writing TSQL for MS SQL server. Other tools I’ve used and taught others to use at work to increase my team’s efficiency include Git, Bamboo, JIRA, Visual Studio, Selenium, and Resharper.

In past job positions, I have taught JS to web designers at the college level and done held IT positions managing Solaris and Windows servers. Outside of my day job, I used to lead the Memphis Java User Group.